Understanding the Health Risks of Septic System LeaksUnderstanding the Health Risks of Septic System Leaks

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Understanding the Health Risks of Septic System Leaks

Hi, my name is Molly, and a few years ago, we had a leak in our septic system. We didn't realise it immediately, and as a result, my son came into contact with toxins. Ultimately, he was okay, but it was a scary experience that involved hospitalisation. I don't want anyone else to go through something like that, so I have made it my mission to educate people on the health risks of septic system leaks. This blog is going to have posts on septic leaks, finding them, maintaining your system, figuring out when to call for help and more. If you have concerns, please get comfortable and start exploring.


Got A Septic System? 4 Services You Need To Remember

If your home's connected to a septic system, don't forget about the service. You might not know it, but your septic system needs a lot of services. It might be a self-contained unit, but it still requires routine maintenance. This is especially true if you want to avoid serious problems with your septic system. Here are some services that your septic system needs on a regular basis.

Pump the Tanks

If you have a septic system that needs pumping, don't overlook this service. Septic tanks need emptying on a regular basis. Without pumping, the holding tanks can overflow. This is especially true if your household uses a lot of water. Or if there are a lot of people in your home. There is no hard-and-fast rule on how often you should pump your tanks. A good rule of thumb is to schedule the service as soon as your drains get a little sluggish when you flush the dunny. This is a sure sign that the tanks are reaching capacity. 

Check for Leaks

If you're new to septic system ownership, you might not know about leaks. Leaks can happen in any of the septic drains or pipes. But, the tanks can leak as well. That's why you need to watch for leaks on a regular basis. One way to do that is to check for leaks whenever you go into your yard. Some signs of septic leaks include faecal odours, water pooling, and a soggy lawn. If you recognise any of those issues, call for septic tank services right away. 

Inspect the System

If you have a septic system, it's always a good idea to keep up on the system inspections. One way to stay on top of the inspections is to schedule one each time you have the tanks pumped. Your septic service provider is best suited for the inspection. This is especially true if you need to open the tank lids for the inspection. The septic tanks emit noxious gases that can be harmful to your lungs. Not only that, but if you're not trained, you could fall into the open tanks. To avoid those risks, have your septic service provider take care of the inspections. 

Remove the Sludge

Finally, if you have a septic system, you might think that you only need to have the tanks pumped. But, you also need to have the sludge removed from time to time. Sludge builds up on the bottom of the tanks. Unfortunately, it's not removed with routine pumping. For that, your tanks need to be scraped and cleaned. For best results, have the sludge removed at least once every eight years.