Understanding the Health Risks of Septic System LeaksUnderstanding the Health Risks of Septic System Leaks

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Understanding the Health Risks of Septic System Leaks

Hi, my name is Molly, and a few years ago, we had a leak in our septic system. We didn't realise it immediately, and as a result, my son came into contact with toxins. Ultimately, he was okay, but it was a scary experience that involved hospitalisation. I don't want anyone else to go through something like that, so I have made it my mission to educate people on the health risks of septic system leaks. This blog is going to have posts on septic leaks, finding them, maintaining your system, figuring out when to call for help and more. If you have concerns, please get comfortable and start exploring.


Things to think about to treat your septic tank well

septic tank is the central part of the plumbing in your house, and if it struggles, then the entire system struggles. Problems with your plumbing can also be devastating to your house in general, as they might lead to you not being able to obtain clean water for your needs. Septic tanks need to be maintained and cared for properly for your plumbing to work as intended. However, other than regular septic tank maintenance, there are considerations you need to take in your daily life to make sure you treat your septic tank as well as possible.

Drain field

Your drain field is an important part of your septic system, and there are things you shouldn't do to it to make sure your septic tank can function as well as possible. Don't drive over it, and don't keep livestock in the area where it's located. Putting heavy weight on top of a drain field can cause pipes to get pushed together, meaning your entire system can fail just because you placed a load on top of it. You should also avoid planting things on the drain field, as this also compacts the soil.

Above your septic tank

You should also think about the soil on the septic tank itself. Avoid putting concrete, asphalt or any kind of synthetic material on the ground under which your tank is buried. These materials stop oxygen from reaching into the soil above your septic tank, and the tank needs oxygen to break down bacteria in the tank. You should opt for having either bare soil or just grass above your septic tank to make sure that the oxygen can flow through the soil without hindrance and contribute to the process of breaking down bacteria in your septic tank.

Large amounts of water

You also need to be careful with the water you put in your septic tank. You should avoid emptying large volumes of water down your septic tank, as this might scatter the bacteria and thus ruin the process of breaking down solids in your septic tank. It won't ruin your septic tank, but it will take quite some time to go back to the amount of bacteria you had in your septic tank before you flushed it with water. You should therefore avoid emptying pools or hot tubs into your septic tank.

If you have any questions about your septic tank or septic tank maintenance, contact a professional in your area.